Thursday, September 11, 2008

OK, back to it.

Things are looking up some, but it's still a push to sit here and be productive.

Beth has had somewhat of an epiphany on her health, and is managing her meds way better and as a result feels better.

Seven years ago this morning I was reading the paper when Beth stuck her head in the bathroom (where I normally read the paper in the morning) and mentioned an airplane had just flown into one of the WTC towers. I finally turned off the TV after the second tower fell. I couldn't watch anymore. I was still on my hockey sabbatical, so I had the morning to myself after Beth went to work. I went outside and finished up my morning doggy patrol in the back yard with my Sony radio and headphones. Since it was a Tuesday, I drove up to Blades for my weekly open ice pick-up game still in a state of shock. We all talked about the attack, and shared opinions on what might happen next.

I'll never forget how empty the skies were the following week, as all air traffic was shut down.

I won't ever forget, but I will never use this tragedy to justify the murder of thousands of innocent Iraqi's in a needless and immoral war.

So as the price of gas has gone up, the number of motorcycles on the road has also grown. I am so jealous. Bike equipment, helmets and protective gear, have gotten so much more available and affordable that most of the riders are sporting really sweet leathers, jackets, etc. Damn. If it wasn't for my unfortunate evening motorcycle ride, I too could be out styling on my Yamaha for all the ladies.

I've managed to get a couple of hand cycle rides in this week, so at least I'm starting to get that part of my life back. Maybe, just maybe, we can plan a small trip next month, and get back into traveling.

And lastly, the election is indeed slipping away. McSame has brought on a crazy white woman as his VP pick, which has bolstered his base of crazy white people. It's a shame.
