So much to write about even after a few days.
Beth is starting to feel the effects of the cancer. No appetite, and in general, just tired. I'm hoping this is more of an emotional reaction but who knows. It's still early.
I spoke with an old friend of mine, now a retired general surgeon in Denver. Vaughan had a lot of good info on how pancreatic cancer is currently treated. I was mostly focused on where was the best place to go for a Whipple procedure once we get that lined up. It seems likely that a Whipple will be necessary, so his input was really appreciated. Right now, I'm thinking we end up in Houston at MD Anderson, if that can be arranged. Houston will be a good place to hang, since Josh and his family live near there. I'm worried about flying in, only since I have no idea how capable Beth will be flying back. Maybe a one-way ticket and a dead head rental car ride back will be the way to go. Planning ahead doesn't hurt, but worrying about it now just feels like I'm piling it on.
Vaughan also said that given what we know about the cancer, it was found pretty early, and her chances of getting some more good years are high. Even with that "good news", I hate the sound of that. Mortality is not addressed easily, especially when it's someone you love. I can handle any threats to my mortality way better than I can Beth's. It's just like when I was kayaking. I was always more scared about watching one of my buddies getting washed away and drowning than I was about myself. Must be some form of plot armor.