We went out to a friends house on Friday night. JD and JoAnn had some folks over, and we had a real nice time lounging on their deck at chez Placitas. Beautiful weather, especially after sunset. Ah, New Mexico. So nice and cool at around 6,500' asl. Good conversation, and interesting take from people that either own their own businesses or are principles in large firms. One of the guys there owns the #27 Eclipse jet.
Which brings me to the point of this post. I'm wondering what happened that I didn't push more to get that golden egg. I never had the big idea that would make my fortune, and apparently never had the drive at work to really try to climb the corporate ladder. (I'm writing about not climbing the ladder while I'm blogging.) We've had some success and are most definitely able to make money and live a pretty good life, but the pursuit of wealth never really took over. I'd like to say we (Beth and I) have made other things in our life a priority, but for right now, both of us are pretty sedentary.
We used to travel a lot, but that kind of went away while Beth went on her walkabout. Maybe we can recapture the excitement and desire to pack up some bags and take a trip. Shit, we can't even get around to taking a weekend trip to San Diego to go see Joseph. I'm going to push hard to try to make a trip to Brooklyn to see Matthew a reality.
My birthday came and went with little fanfare this year. That's absolutely OK with me, as I would like to be in as much denial as possible about getting older.
I'm feeling less than hopeful about the coming Presidential election. The forces of darkness and oppression have tuned their message well, and I'm certain that Obama will be whittled down to nothing by the time the election rolls around. Grampy McSame is a crazy old man suffering from a severe case of PTSD, but he may become the next President. Nothing changes, really. Yet another old white man presenting himself as the person that can lead our sick society in the direction where everyone can thrive. I guess that means we will all be able to go shopping, just like W told us to do every time something went wrong these last eight years.
One a more interesting note, here's the latest picture of the Chaiten volcano. Keeping up with the eruptions have been a lot of fun, as I have stumbled on a bunch of great world-wide volcano resources.

Be strong.

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