Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The saga continues. As of last Friday, it was recommended to me to "straighten up and fly right" this year by my boss. It seems that all of the project managers that I worked with last year were disappointed with my overall performance. Oh well. I knew things were rough, but not that rough. I stated my case, and tried really hard not to make everything sound like an excuse. I still choke up when I talk about last year, which is really weird. I'm thinking its from remembering how shitty and helpless I felt when I was once again waiting at Kaseman hospital to pee-in-a-cup so I could get my never ending UTI treated. Add to that the regular trips to the wound clinic to have the still open wounds on my legs and feet looked at.

Last year was the first year that my spinal cord injury really started to affect my overall health. I guess its a good thing that I was able to delay any bad side effects until now, but nonetheless its still a cold slap in the face realizing that being paralyzed is finally starting to catch up with my health.

I've been successful, for two whole days now, on being to work on time. I used to really value timeliness, but like other values I once held, that has somehow slipped into irrelevance. Why? I don't know. Maybe if I can get that piece of behavior straightened out more will follow.

Beth is home for the day, and tomorrow is her birthday. She was already feeling a bit down about yet another b'day, so I need to make sure I present as special a day to her as possible. So, I'm taking the afternoon off to spend with my bride. She is such a trip and I truly don't know what I'd do without her.


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