Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 Hey blog, it's been a while. 

So much has happened. Briefly, Beth spent almost all of July and part of August in Houston undergoing a huge surgical procedure to remove the cancerous tumor on her pancreas. The surgery lasted 9 hours. The surgeon did his best and both Beth and I are grateful for his effort. We're also incredibly indebted to Josh and Trish for providing Beth a safe and loving home to recover after the surgery. The flight home from Houston almost killed her, but she's pretty much over that.

Beth's been home for about 3weeks now. Our first visit to the oncologist was yesterday. Nothing but bad news.

Again, long story short, Beth (and me) were given a survival time frame given that her cancer had no notable reaction to the three months of chemo she received earlier this year. That means that any future treatment is most likely not going to make any huge inroads in eliminating the disease. I'm numb. I'm really really sad. 

We have a lot to think about for the road ahead. Fuck cancer.