Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's Blasphemy Day everyone!! So, Allan Damn all the gods/prophets/soothsayers and other products of human imagination that have done nothing but limit our race's progress and tolerance.

This goes double for all the child-buggering woman-abusing clergy that represent various world wide religions. You all SUCK!!

There. Pretty weak compared to other posts involving poetry, pictures and actual eucharist defacement, but it still counts.


BTW, I'm getting really tired of hearing all the shit from the right wing and my previously progressive friends that are still holding financial considerations above health care for US citizens.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I think I need to post this. The Wilson outburst was planned and executed to attract attention away from Obama's message.

I'm also worried about friends of mine that think the tea-bagger movement is somehow refreshing. In summary, the tea-baggers seem to be some of the most ignorant citizens in this country. Period. Birther/deniers/pseudo-libertarian white trash. Good, I said it out loud.

Planed and executed.

Friday, September 04, 2009

In light of the outing of Van Jones as a "9/11 Truther", I have to wonder where the line is drawn on the acceptance of bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories?

For example, why would the right-wing noise machine give the "Birthers" a free pass as having legitimate concerns about Obama's birth certificate while acting OUTRAGED....I SAY OUTRAGED!! about someone that wants more info about the events surrounding 9/11?

Maybe for the same reason that they are so OUTRAGED...I SAY OUTRAGED!! about the President talking to kids in school, even though their patron saint Ronald Raygun did the same (as did G.H.W. Bush).