Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So the Democratic convention has started; I'm launching on my first e-space argument/insult session with a right wing nut on a local new site; and Beth and I had another drag out know down fight last night.

I need to just keep my mouth shut. Certainly she talks enough for both of us, so why do I need to assume I should say anything? I don't want to argue, but I always forget how incredibly sensitive she is if whe thinks I'm telling her she is "wrong" about things medical. I forget how mentioning she said something totally different in her raving not two minutes before is somehow my fault and that I'm just arguing with her. If I had any guts, I'd....actually have enough guts to even write down what I thnk I need to do. Scary times.

I think deep down I'm setting myself up to remove myself from almost any day to day activity. My work has turned into a miasma of SHIT, and I think I'm working myself out of my marriage. Why? I don't know.

I'm worried. I'm scared.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

OK, quick update. I have been thinking about this map since it showed up in the email yesterday, courtesy of the Sierra Club.

Why the big oil land grab? Why not!! The US Gov has a long history of land giveaways starting with the railroads. It doesn't hurt to have just a little bit more of the public land tucked away just to be safe. What a load of horse shit that we need to open up more of OUR country so big oil can make even more money.

One more thing. How is it that J.Q. Public really believes that drilling now will lower the price of gas at the pump now? Why would the oil companies want to lower prices? Do people honestly think that oil drilled in the U.S. will be offered on the world market at a lower price than oil from other sources? Wow.

Anyway....here's the map.

Peace. Be smart. Listen to the messages being presented by our candidates, and please try to ignore the noise coming from both sides of the issues.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

OK, blog has launched. Wednesday August 20, 2008. Here's another entry in a blog that has no readers and therefore no comments. Oh well.

I got home very agitated last night after having a bit of a yelling match with a local radio talk show host. The host made some snide comment asking "...why would people with money vote for Obama?" What an arrogant prick. I dialed in and answered his question. I told him that our household makes a fair amount of money, and others that I know who make a fair amount of money would certainly be voting for Obama....because we weren't GREEDY!" Damn, did that get him going. Basically, after a short conversation where he asked me to tell him how much money I made (I refused); him telling me that no one knows who I am; me asking him who he thought he was; he hung up on me telling the radio audience that I was a rude jerk. But, he was still talking about how he wasn't greedy for a good ten minutes after our brief conversation. I'm very glad I hit a nerve.

This radio show is a local echo of the right-wing noise machine that this station programs. The local host has in the past shown himself to be less of a ideologue than say Hannity or Limbaugh, but he still panders to the a pretty vocal portion of the local populace that calls in to vilify the "left-wing socialists that want to take their money and guns away". Brilliant.

I've been reading various blogs that report on volcanic events around the planet. It's been a real treat to read about these eruptions as well as getting a short course lesson in volcanology. One of the links on one of the blogs leads to a web-cam view of the Chaiten volcano in southern Chile. This is a mountain that hasn't erupted for around 10,000 years, and is now putting on quite a show. Three solid months of constant venting, although the current plumes are mostly steam with some ash content. It's spectacular, none-the-less, as I have always wanted to travel to the tip of South America and maybe even navigate around The Horn.

One of the volcano blogs has led me to a gentleman's blog that covers volcanoes as well as expounding on the world politic. I don't agree with the majority of his political opinions, as he is a tad reactionary in his right-wing leanings. I do, however, admire the tone of his political postings. So certain. So strong. No compromise. I like that.

So, in keeping with this approach, the political portion of this entry will be certain, strong and with no quarter given. Electing John McCain as president will be an unmitigated disaster for this country. We've already had 8-years of a corrupt administration that has taken this country down a path from which there may no return. John McCain has been a willing participant in this effort. He represents the same old crap doled out to my fellow Americans by a political party that represents the richest and GREEDIEST part of our society. No one is better off than they were eight years ago, especially in terms of HOPING that the people on this planet can actually learn to live together. This John McCain is not the same man that ran against W. eight years ago. He has sold his soul in order to become President.

So here's the deal. I think I had better get used to another Republican in the White House. The criminals that are responsible for getting and keeping W. in the White House have not gone anywhere. I have no doubt that their efforts to paint Obama as a closet Muslim and an elitist will pay off, and lead to his defeat.

I hope I change my mind later as the election nears (t-minus 76 days and counting). I know who I'm voting for, but I'm afraid that once again I will be in the minority. At least there is still hope that Congress will gain a bigger Democratic majority that will provide some check to the ominous spectre of yet another Republican as our President.
